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Comparing weight

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The box weighs 23 kg 700 g. Convert kg to g.
23,700 g
The vegetables weigh 1 kg 600 g. Convert kg to g.
1,600 g
What is this tool?
The meat weighs 2,000 grams. Convert g to kg
The meat weighs 2 kg.
The boxs weigh 6 kilograms. Convert kg to g
The boxe weigh 6,000 grams.
The bag weighs 4,000 grams. Convert g to kg
The bag weighs 4 kilograms.
The train weighs 4 t. Convert t to kg
The train weighs 4,000 kg.
Which one is lighter
The chicken is lighter
Comparing weight
The lemon is heavier than the bee
Comparing weight
The envelope is lighter than the cookie
Comparing weight
The beatle is lighter than the pizza
Comparing weight
The rabbit is heavier than the leaf
Comparing weight
The wagon is heavier than the keys
Comparing weight
The boat is heavier than the teddy bear
Comparing weight
The tomato is heavier than the sock