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Map Skills Test

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which vocabulary word is the following definition? A measure of a location’s distance east or west of the prime meridian is 1 longitude 2.latitude 3. absolute location 4. relative location
An EXACT point on Earth’s surface expressed by a coordinate system such as latitude and longitude is called the ....
absolute location
Which is the south pole? A or B
Which location is located at 60*S, 0*? A, B, C, or D
Which location is located at 30*N, 90*W? (Point A or B?)
Point A
Look at the globes: Which globe shows lines of latitude?
Globe A
Look at the globes: Which globe shows lines of longitude?
Globe B
Which one if the prime meridian? A or B?
Which one is the equator? A or B?
True or False: Lines of latitude and longitude can be used to identify the exact location of any place on the surface of Earth.
The equator and the prime meridian each divide Earth into two halves called _______________.
The equator is which type of line.....1) Line of longitude 2) Line of latitude
line of latitude
The prime meridian is which type of line? 1) Line of longitude 2) Line of latitude
Line of longitude
A measure of a location’s distance north or south of the equator is called ....
A pair of numbers and/or letters that use a grid to identify a specific location is called....
Is the arrow pointing to the North Pole or South Pole?
North Pole