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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Jimmy ............................... (study) English every day.
studies doesn't study
George ................................. (go) to Cairo once a week.
goes doesn't go
Lucy ....................... (want) to pinch Helen at the moment.
wants doesn't want
John .................................... (put) pieces of paper in Antoniades' hair at the moment.
is putting isn't putting
Antoniades ................................. (travel) to Seychelles tonight.
is travelling isn't travelling
Sophia ..................................... (pull) Evelyn's hair at the moment.
is pulling isn't pulling
Michael ........................... (play) Minecraft only once a week.
plays doesn't play
CG ................................ (talk) about Olympiakos at the moment.
is talking isn't talking
Mandy ............................ (owe) Alexandra money.
owes doesn't owe
Helen ............................ (look) angry now.
looks doesn't look
Irene .................................... (watch) GNTM every evening.
watches doesn't watch
Menelaos ............................... (think) about his youtube account at the moment.
is thinking isn't thinking
Apostolis ................................. (scratch) his head at the moment.
is scratching isn't scratching
Alexandra often ..................................... (fight) with her brothers
fights doesn't fight
Evelyn ...................................... (hate) spiders.
hates doesn't hate
Constance ........................ (buy) a new ponytail holder every day.
buys doesn't buy
Xenophon ...................................(want) to draw something right now.
wants doesn't want
Theo ....................................... (chat) with a girl at the moment.
is chatting isn't chatting