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Fun in the seasons
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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What will he probably do next summer?
He'll probably go surfing.
What will he probably do next vacations?
He'll probably go horseback riding.
What did she do?
She picked flowers.
What season is this?
It's fall.
What this?
go scuba diving.
go scuva diving.
go scuba divin.
you / winter / ? / like / do / Why
Why do you like winter?
to / I / park / a / go / water
I go to a water park.
What's this?
go snowboarding.
go sledding.
have snowball fight.
What's your favorite season? Why?
last / built / a / They / sandcastle / weekend.
They built a sandcastle last weekend.
What did they do last weekend?
They had a snowball fight.
What did you do on your last vacations?
apples / like / picking / We
We like picking apples.
I like summer because ..........