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Fat Bear Competition 2024

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What is the largest and coldest state in the United States?
Bears eat plants, fruit, nuts, animals, salmon
What do bears do during winter?
eat fish
Why do bears become very fat ?
to prepare for winter
to prepare for summer
Do bears eat during winter ?
No, they sleep for 5-8 months
Yes, they eat all winter
How does a bear win the Fat Bear Week contest?
People vote online at www.fatbearweek.org. for the fattest bear and the bear with the most votes wins.
When do the bears start eating a lot to prepare for hibernation?
in summer and fall
Where does Katmai post the photos of the fat bears?
When is Fat Bear Week in 2024 ?
October 2-8
Where do bears catch salmon?
What does hibernation mean?
to sleep all winter
Where is the Fat Bear Week competition held?
Katmai, Alaska