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Who killed Rose, Coral and Pink? Red, Orange or Yellow?
Tan, Maroon and Brown are the only ones left. Maroon says Tan is lying when he said he did the "Clean Vent" task. But Brown said Maroon is the one lying. Who is the imposter?
Someone killed Black in Security. White says it's Cyan but Cyan says it's Red. Who killed Black? Cyan or Red?
Cyan killed Black in Security
Cyan is having trouble with the Reactor task. White then saw someone shapeshifted into Cyan. Cyan says White is lying. Who is telling the truth?
Blue and Cyan are arguing about who vented in MedBay. Who vented in MedBay?
Neither Blue or Cyan. It was Red!
Red says Orange vented but Orange says Red is lying. Who vented?
What color is most popular?