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She was excited to start her journey. find finite and non finite verb in this sentence
Finite verb – Was excited Non-finite verb – To start
They are planning a surprise party for their friend. the finite verb can be found in this sentence. it is ....
Finite verb – Are planning
They were laughing at the joke. we can call " were laughing " is ....
Finite verb – Were laughing
I am learning to play the guitar. Which one are the finite and non finite?
Finite verb – Am learning Non-finite verb – To play
The cat chased the mouse across the yard. the word "chased" is called ....
Finite verb – Chased
When we arrived at the airport, we found out that our flight had already left.are the verbs " Arrived, found out, had left" finite?
Yes, they are
There are no more copies left. The word "are" is called ....
Finite verb – Are
Martha was listening to her favourite songs as she continued to work. Which one are finite and non finite?
Finite verb – Was listening, continued Non-finite verb – To work
Waking up from my nap, I realised I was late to pick up my son from school. which one are finite and non finite?
Finite verb – Realised, was Non-finite verb – Waking up, to pick up
Peaches is the name of the baby mammoth in the movie ‘Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs’. which one is finite verb in this sentence?
Finite verb – Is
Noorin was happy to be there at her best friend’s wedding. which one are finite and non finite verb?
Finite verb – Was Non-finite verb – To be
The waves kept hitting the rocks at regular intervals.which one are finite and non finite verb?
Finite verb – Kept Non-finite verb – Hitting
My parents have decided to move to New Zealand by the end of this year. The word "have decided" is ....
Finite verb – Have decided
They brought us some homemade cookies. The word "brought" is ....
Finite verb – Brought
Getting down from his caravan, A. R. Rahman waved to his fans. the word "getting down" is
Non-finite verb
I had alfredo pasta for lunch today. The word "had" is ....
Finite verb – Had