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Present Simple Revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Correct the mistake: My sister meditate when she is stressed.
My sister MEDITATES when she is stressed.
Correct the mistake: He is very organized, so he don’t get stressed about exams.
He is very organized, so he DOESN'T get stressed about exams.
Correct the mistake: We never fight because we doesn’t get into arguments.
We never fight because we DON'T get into arguments.
Correct the mistake: You never asks for help when you are in trouble.
You never ASK for help when you are in trouble.
Correct the mistake: Susy takes her bottle everywhere because she drink water every day.
Susy takes her bottle everywhere because she DRINKS water every day.
Choose the correct option: I limit / limits screen time. I turn off my cell phone at 10 p.m.
I limit screen time. I turn off my cell phone at 10 p.m.
Choose the correct option: Tim takes care of his skin. He use / uses sunscreen when he goes outside in the morning.
He uses sunscreen when he goes outside in the morning.
Choose the correct option: She is a good classmate. She doesn’t / don’t bully other people.
She doesn't bully other people.
Choose the correct option: Vicky and Maggie are getting ready to have a picnic by the river. They always spend / spends time in nature.
They always spend time in nature.
Choose the correct option: Ben is always tired. He don’t / doesn’t sleep well at night.
He doesn't sleep well at night.