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P3 (T9-13) Random Pop Quiz

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are three things you need in a Conclusion?
Feeling, Flash Topic, Lesson Learnt
The first person to dance gets 50 points!
Well done!
Give 2 WOWFATBs to show how relieved the MC was!
Relief found its way into my heart. (W) My lips twitched into a soft grin. (F)
Fill in the blanks to this alternative phrase for a Quiet place: The sound of silence was d_______.
Fill in the blanks to this alternative phrase for a Crowded place: The (stadium) was b_______ with activity.
Give 3 WOWFATBs for Fear!
Petrified (W), Frightening thoughts raced through my mind. (T) I felt the blood drain from my face. (F)
Fill in the blanks to the Colourful Characterisation! Bailey was the school’s head p_____. She was a s____ girl who had f___ arms and a short s_____..
prefect, skinny, frail, stature
Do 10 squats!
The first person to jump out of their seat gets 50 points!
Jog on the spot for 10 seconds and get 30 points!
Guess the animal! It has webbed feet and is a rodent.
What is the topic we are learning this month?
The Day I Felt Nervous
Give 2-3 WOWFATBs for Shock!
Stunned (W), My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. (F) I was astounded. (T)
Fill in the blanks to this Slow Motion (Jumping): I ___________ my knees and ____________ my arms to gain _____________. With all my might, I ___________ my legs off the ground, swinging my arms forward.
bent, swung, momentum, pushed
Test your luck! Press 'Check' and get either 150 points, or Lose All Your Points! Choose wisely...
+150 points!
Test your luck! Press 'Check' and get either 150 points, or Lose All Your Points! Choose wisely...
Lose all points!
Test your luck! Press 'Check' and get either 150 points, or Lose All Your Points! Choose wisely...
Lose all points!
Test your luck! Press 'Check' and get either 150 points, or Lose All Your Points! Choose wisely...
+150 points!
What are two other ways to replace the word 'ran'?
Darted, Dashed, Bolted, Sprinted
What is the meaning of the word 'flailed'?
wave or swing one's arms
one who has failed his exams
my arms failed on me
I did not pass my exams
Give a description of happiness with the picture as a clue!
I was smiling so widely that I could eat a banana sideways!
How do we describe the suspicious-looking man's hair?
His bird-nest's like hair was messy and awfully smelly.
His spaghetti hair was tomatoey and smelly.
His beautiful curls were luscious and soft.
He was bald.
How do we describe a someone feeling happy?
I was like a dog with two tails.
I was like a cat with two ears.
I was like a donkey with four legs.
I was like a monkey with two tails.
Which is the Introduction format we learnt? List out the components!
Where, When, Who, What, Hook
Where, When, Who, What, Haiya
Where, When, Who, What Up Homies
Where, When, Why, Which, Hunt
Which of these phrases describe an Outdoor place?
The sun was like a yellow ball of fire in the azure sky.
Cold air greeted me as I stepped into the mall.
Boisterous chattering filled the air.
Dark clouds loomed over my head as rain lashed my skin.
What are two other words that have the same meaning as "shocked"? Clue: One starts with 'F', the other with 'D'!
Dumbfounded, Flabbergasted
Fill in the blanks to the Falling Down paragraph: I f____ my arms while trying to r____ my balance but to no avail. As a r___, my butt l____ flat on the floor like a p____!
I flailed my arms while trying to regain my balance but to no avail. As a result, my butt landed flat on the floor like a pancake!
Give an example of a description for a Crowded place!
The place was packed like sardines.
How do we describe a quiet place?
Pin-drop silence filled the air.