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5º & 6º The Earth & The Universe

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What causes the ocean tides on Earth?
The moon's gravity
This is how we measure DISTANCES in the universe:
The speed of light
The study of celestial bodies, where they are in space and how they behave is called...
When the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, it causes a...
Lunar eclipse
Solar eclipse
Full moon
Blood moon
When the Moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, it causes a...
Solar eclipse
Lunar eclipse
Full moon
Blood moon
The four phases of the moon are:
Full, waning, waxing, and new
Full, new, old, waxing
Full, waning, waxing, and old
Full, empty, old, waxing
The solar system includes...
the Sun, planets, moons, and other celestial bodies
the stars and the Earth
the planets
How long does it take the Moon to rotate around its axis and revolve around the Earth?
28 days
24 days
25 hours
365 days
A .... is a huge set of stars.
Solar eclipse
Solar system
..... give out light and heat.
The Moon
The Milky Way
Earth's tilted axis means that some parts receive more sunlight than others during the year.
Can you spell the word with this definition?: It is the movement of the Earth around the Sun and causes summer, winter, spring, and autumn.
Takes 365 days and causes the seasons
Takes 365 days and causes day & night
Takes 24 hours and causes day & night
Takes 24 hours and causes day & night
Takes 24 hours and causes the seasons
Takes 365 days
True or False: Earth's ''axis'' is tilted
This movement takes .... to complete.
1 year
24 hours
24 days
365 hours
This movement takes .... to complete.
24 hours
365 days
1 year
24 days
What's the name of this movement?
What's the name of this movement?