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TRS6_Material engineering

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In the calm lake, the process of________ resulted in the gradual build-up of fine sand and silt at the bottom.
The strong winds and heavy rain caused the________ of leaves and debris in the gutter, resulting in a blockage.
The astronaut's spacecraft had to______ gently on the moon's surface to ensure a safe and successful mission.
Typically, he walks down Massachusetts Avenue, then to 14th Street,________ squatting to collect the trash he spots along the way.
The government's decision to raise taxes without prior notice resulted in a widespread ______ from the citizens.
As the snowfall continued through the night, the entire town was______ a thick layer of snow by morning.
blanketed in
After finishing the art project, they decided to ______ the initial design and start over with a fresh concept.
He always wants to ______ of his family's wealth.
With the ______ of new technology, communication between people from different parts of the world became instantaneous.
The bookstore boasted a _______ of books, from classic literature to contemporary bestsellers.
During the power outage, all electronic devices became _____, and people had to resort to using manual tools and resources.
The CEO highlighted the ____ need for cost-cutting measures to ensure the company's financial stability.
The decision to _____ the old factory machinery with state-of-the-art components greatly enhanced production efficiency.
The committee will meet tomorrow to discuss and hopefully _____ the proposed budget.
The _______ of two police officers in cold blood has shocked the city and driven a deeper wedge between the cops and the mayor.