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Cambridge Starters Speaking Test - QUESTIONS

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can you ride a bike?
Yes, I can. I can ride a bike. / No, I can’t. I can’t ride a bike.
What’s your hobby?
I like _____. (swimming / drawing pictures / reading books / watching TV / playing computer games)
What’s your favourite animal?
My favourite animals are _____s. I like _____s. (dogs / cats / elephants / tigers)
Who is sitting next to you at school?
_____ is sitting next to me.
What’s there in your schoolbag?
There are _____ in my schoolbag. (a book / books / a notebook / notebooks / a pencil case / pencils / pens / crayons / a ruler / a rubber / a pencil sharpener)
Is your school big or small?
It’s big. / It’s small.
What is the name of your school?
My school’s name is Alpha School. / Its name is Alpha School.
How do you go to school?
I go to school _____. (by bus / by bike / by motorbike / by car / on foot)
What do you like doing with your best friend?
I like _____ with my best friend. (playing games / watching TV / reading a book / riding a bike)
Who is your best friend?
My best friend is _____. / He/She is _____.
How many people are there in your family? Who are they?
There are ____ people in my family. They are my _____, _____, _____ and _____. (father / mother / brother / sister / grandfather / grandmother...)
Have you got a TV in your house/flat?
Yes, I have. I’ve got a TV. / No, I haven’t. I haven’t got a TV.
How many bathrooms are there in your house or in your flat?
There is one bathroom. / There are _____ bathrooms.
How many bedrooms are there in your house or in your flat?
There are _____ bedrooms.
Do you live in a house or in a flat?
I live in a flat. / I live in a house.
How old is your father?
My father is _____ years old. / He is _____ years old.
What is your mother’s name?
My mother’s name is _____. / Her name is _____.
Have you got a brother or a sister?
Yes, I have. I’ve got a brother / a sister. / No, I haven’t. I have got no brothers/sisters.
What are you wearing?
I’m wearing a _____ and _____s.