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When going into a member's acct, you would click their plan and then start HIPAA verification. True or False?
In Nexeo, For Subscriber ID 101987288, with a date generation of 01/28/2020. What is the group Number on the Invoice?
Group #B0000001
For Mem #F10550702300, appeal ID #3022176, what is the appeal method?
For member: 101982547, using claim ID 22152D923800, What is the provider TAX ID for: EDGEPARK MEDICAL SUPPLIES?
Provider Tax ID: 341650951
For member: 101982547, using claim ID 22152D923800. What is the diagnosis code under “Diagnosis Code 3”?
what are the steps for opening Salesforce?
The Zone > Applications > S-Z > Salesforce - Health Service or SMA home > Applications > S-Z > Salesforce - Health Service
for mem #101987288, claim ending in 3700, what is the total billed and allowed amount for line 3?
total billed $184.00, allowed amount $23.62
Under what app on Salesforce would you use to create a parent and child case?
Smart Desktop
For mem# F10141196200, auth ref# 112656856, what is the diagnosis description??
Spinal stenosis, site unspecified
In what system(s) would you use to view a member's ID card?
Nuxeo and Salesforce
What would be another word for an approved authorization is Care Radius?
Certified in total
What system is Amisys and Macess transitioning to?