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Inetgrated Chinese 10
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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Say it and use it in a sentence 让 & 紧张
rang4 jin3zhang1
Say it and use it in a sentence: 不好意思
Say it and use it in a sentence: 飞机
Say it and give English: 麻烦
ma2fan troublesome
Say it and give the English:寒假
han2jia4 winter vacation
Topic Comment: I have many friends.
Topic Comment: I gave your shirt to your mom.
每…都… (Every night I do Chinese homework.)
每…都… (Translate: 这儿每个人我都认识。)
I know everyone here.
或者 (Next weekend I will ride a bus or drive myself to go home.)
不过/快要___了 (It’s almost New Years, but soon I have a Chinese test approaching. I am not happy.)
还是…吧。(Make a sentence and use: 让、还是…吧 Driving ON the highway makes me really nervous, we better take a taxi to the airport.)
先…再…然后…最后… ( You start at the library and want to get to the Chinese restaurant… You need to take a bus 2 stops and get off, transfer to the subway’s red line, walk, finally you have arrived.)