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Jesus Quiz

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Who were Adam and Eve's three sons listed in the Bible?
Cain, Abel, and Seth
Where did Adam and Eve live at the beginning of the world?
Garden of Eden
Who anointed Jesus’ feet with an expensive perfume and then dried His feet with her hair? (clue: the picture above)
Mary Magdalene
Which disciple first refused to allow Jesus to wash his feet?
Joseph of Arimathaea
Jesus said, “Get thee behind me Satan” to which disciple?
What were the three temptations that Satan gave to Jesus?
Turning stones into bread, bowing to Satan, prove that He was invincible
What was Jesus' profession before he started his ministry?
A carpenter
Where did Jesus go 40 days after His resurrection?
How many books are there in the Old Testament?
What was Jesus' crown made of?
woven from the thorny branches of the tree of Euphorbia Milii
Who is the cousin of Jesus?
John the Baptist
Who is the angel who told Mary she would give birth to Jesus?
Angel Gabriel
Where was Jesus born?
Where was Jesus crucified?