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Progressive Era

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End of Progressive Movement
issues related to WWI (1914-1918) & great strides in SPE reform led to a general ending of the movement
Package of reform ideas advocated by LaFollette that included Initiative, Recall, Referendum
Wisconsin Idea
devastating hurricane that killed more than 8,000 people in galveston texas in 1900. helped spur demands that local and state governments be more responsive to people's needs
Galveston Hurricane
a federal agency empowered to prevent persons or corporations from using unfair methods of competition in commerce
Federal Trade Commission
were more secure in case of a financial meltdown
3rd Tier: Local Banks
banks that loaned money to other banks
2nd tier federal reserve banks
Oversaw all banks
!st tier federal reserve board
a 1913 law that set up a system of federal banks and gave government the power to control the money supply
Federal Reserve Act
Democrat Woodrow Wilson's political slogan in the presidential campaign of 1912; Wilson wanted to improve the banking system, lower tariffs, and, by breaking up monopolies, give small businesses freedom to compete.
New Freedom
Taft cabinet members who had fought over conservation efforts and how much effort and money should be put into conserving national resources
Ballinger-Pinchot Affair
Roosevelt's 1904 extension of the Monroe Doctrine, stating that the United States has the right to protect its economic interests in South And Central America by using military force
Roosevelt Corollary
nickname for the new Progressive Party, which was formed to support Roosevelt in the election of 1912
Bull Moose Party
head of the U.S. Forest Servic under Roosevelt, who believed that it was possible to make use of natural resources while conserving them. First used the word conservation.
Gifford Pinchot
Roosevelt was the First Environmentalist President, he set aside 150 million acres. Yellowstone national park
First environmentalist
World War I; 19th Amendment, and the Roaring 20's
End of the Progressive era
Governor Robert La Follett focused on the timber and railroad industries to control unfair business practices
The Wisconsin Idea
a court case in which an employer challenged a new law limiting women to work a 10 hour work day. Lawyer Louis Brandeis showed the harmful effects of long working hours on women called the "Brandeis Brief"
Muller v Oregon
Progressive Party of 1912, formed by Teddy Roosevelt after he lost the Republican Nomination to William H. Taft
Bull Moose Party
The only President to become a Supreme Court Justice
William H. Taft
Ran on campaign slogan of "New Freedom" tariff reduction, banking reform, law helping wage earners and farmers, and stronger antitrust legislation.
Woodrow Wilson
Set a high tariff, the progressives opposed it but Taft signed it into law.
Payne-Aldrich Tariff Act
1st National Park
Yellow Stone National Park
Roosevelt's Plan: balance interest of consumer, worker, and business owner.
Square deal
Teddy Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Woodrow Wilson
Progressive Presidents
To end housing discrimination
The Urban League
End lynchings
NAACP Main Goal
Discovered many uses for peanuts, to help Southern African American farmers, grow a profitable crop.
George Washington Carver
Founded Tuskegee Institute, wanted a slower, gradual integration into white society.
Booker T Washington
Wanted radical change, immediate equal rights, very outspoken, tried to use the court system to make changes
W.E.B. Du Bois
New York lawmakers passed strict fire codes to increase safety.
The Impact of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
140 women died because the doors were chained the women were unable to escape, the women had protested unsafe working conditions the year before.
Triangle Shirtwaist Fire
The leading labor leader and union organizer.
Samuel Gompers
Muckraker who investigated the Standard Oil Company and John Rockefeller
Ida Tarbell
A strong advocate for child labor laws.
Florence Kelly
Became the leader of the Christian Women Temperance Union, helped get the 18th amendment passed.
Frances Willard
"Bitter Cry of Children" Child workers in the textile industry.
John Spargo
"How the Other Half Lives" about living in the cities poverty, crime, and disease.
Jacob Riis
The Jungle" About the abuses of the meat packing industry. The Pure Food and Drug Act and the Meat Inspection Act were passed due to the reactions of the American public.
Upton Sinclair
Wrote the 1st muckraking articles that popularized this style of journalism. The first book was called "The Shame of the Cities". Exposing the machines corruption.
Lincoln Steffens
groups of writers who investigated the "ill" of society.
Women's Suffrage
19th Amendment
18th Amendment
Direction election of Senators
17th Amendment
Income Tax
16th Amendment
Procedure to remove official from office
Forces legislatures to put on the ballot a recently passed initiative for voters approval.
People are able to introduce a new petition for a vote.
A list of signatures to force legislatures to address issue, place issue on ballot as an initiative for vote of the people
An ex-pro baseball player who became a preacher and spoke out against alcohol consumption.
Billy Sunday