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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Bonus question: How can i use the information i learned today in my life?
Many answers possible
Bonus question: Mention one thing you learned today?
Many answers possible
Is the geographic space delimited BY HUMANS for survival, identity, security or protection reasons. Ex. Municipalities, States, Countries
Referes to a portion of the geographic space that is different because of its limits and special characteristics. Ex. The taraumaran (in Chihuahua), the sahara (in Africa), the Mixtec (in Oaxaca)
Do landscapes ALWAYS stay the same? Explain your answer
No, landscapes change over time because of many different things such as natural factors and human factors.
It was its own singular aspect, which reflects how each place of the World has a unique view...
Referes to the surroundings or environment in which living beings get on. It can be terrestrial, marine, subterraneous, aquatic or aerial.
A site with a specific location that adapts to the man-made transformations is called? Ex. The Eiffel tower, the Grand Canyon
Guess: Do you know this place?
It's Altata
When a place is in constant tranformation that means this place is...
Always changing
"The geographic space is DIVERSE" what does diverse mean?
Various answers are possible
How many components does the geographic space have? Can you mention some of them?
It has 5 components. Natural, Social, Cultural, Political and Economic
What is the geographic space?
It is everything around us. NATURAL and HUMAN components