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Present Continuous

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He / talk on the phone (negative)
He isn't talking on the phone.
She / read a book (affirmative)
She is reading a book.
They / write (negative)
They aren't writing.
We / have a class (affirmative)
We are having a class.
Sarah / watch TV (question)
Is Sarah watching TV?
you / listen (question)
Are you listening?
Where / Sarah / go (question) (to school)
Where is Sarah going? She is going to school.
What / they / study (question)
What are they studying?
Peter / drink water (negative)
Peter isn't drinking water
Kate / swim (affirmative)
Kate is swimming
Scott and Peter / play volleyball (negative)
Scott and Petter aren't playing volleyball.
Sarah and Jim / do homework (affirmative)
Sarah and Jim are doing homework.
Mathew / work (negative)
Mathew isn't working.
Jim / clean the room (affirmative)
Jim is cleaning the room.
Sarah / take a shower (affirmative)
Sarah is taking a shower.
Who / go to the movies with you (question)
Who is going to the movies with you?
your friends / run in the park (question)
Are your friends running in the park?
you / pay attention (question)
Are you paying attention?
My grandparents / read (negative)
My grandparents aren't reading
My brother / play video games (affirmative)
My brother is playing video games
Your parents / sleeping (negative)
Your parents aren't sleeping
Your sister / cook dinner (question)
Is your sister cooking dinner?
Where / they / go (question) 
Where are they going?
He / use his cell phone (question) 
Is he using his cell phone?
They / play soccer (negative)
They aren't playing soccer.
She / watch TV (affirmative)
She is watching TV.
What / you / do (question)
What are you doing?
She / study English (negative)
She isn't studying English.
You / study English (question)
Are you studying English?
I / study English (affirmative)
I am studying English.