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Articles of Confederation - The US Constitution

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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After gaining independence from Great Britain, America's first constitution was called the:
Articles of Confederation
What did the Georgians in the coastal region hope a new, stronger government would do?
Improve trade regulations
True or False: Many Georgians were in favor of having states govern themselves more than a strong national government.
False - Many Georgians wanted a strong national government.
In a democracy, who holds the power and how?
the people have the power by voting
Under the U.S. Constitution it establishes America's government as a ____________.
Under the U.S. Constitution it describes how __________ is divided.
After the delegates threw out the Articles, what did they create?
the US Constitution
What was the meeting of the delegates to revise the Articles of Confederation called?
Constitutional Convention
True or False: The U.S. economy got worse under the Articles of Confederation.
One weakness of the the Articles: Each state had its own ___________.
One weakness of the the Articles: Congress could make laws but not make states do what?
comply (agree to follow/enforce)
One weakness of the the Articles: Only one branch of government. Which one?
One weakness of the the Articles: Government could not regulate trade. What did this mean for states?
States could put tariffs (taxes) on one another.
One weakness of the the Articles: Could not __________. This meant the government could not pay soldiers or pay war debts.
levy taxes (take property for unpaid taxes)
One weakness of the the Articles: Could not establish a national _________ without the permission of the states.
Under the Articles, there was no ________ in charge of the central government.
Under the Articles of Confederation, could the government declare war?
How did Americans see the states under the Articles?
The states were independent and worked together only when necessary.
The Articles set up a republican democracy where citizens elect people that....
represent them
Articles of Confederation created a weak _______ government because it gave states a lot of power.
Why did it take 4 years for delegates from all 13 states to sign the Articles of Confederation?
They were afraid of creating a government that gave the leader too much power.