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True or False: Women were able to be ministers
False: Women were excluded from becoming minsters
True or False: Jane Seymour was Henry VIII first wife.
False: 3rd wife and produce an heir.
who is John Calvin?
Protestant who took leadership over Protestantism in Switzerland
What is Justifcation?
Justification: process of being justified, or deemed worthy of salvation by God
What is predestination?
Predestination: belief that God has determined in advance who will be saved (the elect) and who will be damned (the reprobate)
Define Annul.
To declare invalid
what 2 things were decided necessary for Salvation?
Faith & Good Works
Who restored Catholicism to parts of Germany and Eastern Europe?
Name the Sacraments the Catholic Church continued to practice despite reforms.
Eucharist, Belief in Purgatory, use of Indulgences, and Clerical Celibacy
Name the 5 groups that made up the council of Trent?
Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops, Abbots, and Theologians
Who was the founder of the Society of Jesus?
Ignatius of Loyola
What was the state church of England under Henry VIII?
Anglican Church
What is another name for the Society of Jesus?
What church council reaffirmed the Catholic doctrine?
Council of Trent
What is the Counter-Reformation?
The response of the Catholic Church to the Protestant Reformation
The denomination that grew out of the break with the Roman Catholic Church after the Reformation
The term that means to dismiss and to deny fellowship to a member of the church
Martin Luther translated the New Testament into this language while in hiding.
The language the Bible was written in during medieval Europe.
Being saved and delivered from sin is through faith alone and is called what?
Emperor of Holy Roman Empire; Failed to unite empire under Catholicism; Abdicated (gave up) throne
Charles V
the language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or region.
The conflict between Catholics and Protestants eased when Charles V allowed the German Princes to choose their religion. This was known as what?
Peace of Augsburg
Charles V banned the writings of Martin Luther and called him a heretic/enemy of the state
Diet of Worms
What was the definition of the “humanism” concept?
an intellectual movement that focused on human potential and achievements
The Renaissance focused on secularism as a new concept. What does this term mean?
The focus on worldly themes, not religious
Who wrote “The Prince”?
Niccolo Machiavelli
What was the term for when the Catholic church sold forgiveness for money?
Selling indulgences
Who was the most powerful family in Europe during the Renaissance?
The Medici Family
Who wrote the 95 Theses?
Martin Luther
What was invented by Johannes Gutenberg to mass produce books?
Printing Press
What was the name of the church painted by Michelangelo?
Sistine Chapel
What does the word Renaissance mean?
Rebirth (of culture)
What is the most famous painting by Leonardo da Vinci?
Mona Lisa