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Tier II

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Harley approached the dog with CAUTION when she tried to catch it. She did not want him to run away.
with care; carefully
Zoro PREDICTED the cat the would fall when he jumped from the table to the refrigerator.
state what will happen in the future
Daffy THREATENED Bugs by telling Elmer Fudd it was rabbit season.
put at risk; be a danger to
Marionette needed to DEFEND Paris from Hawkmoth's akuma's destroying the city.
Pinkie Pie needed to CONVINCE Fluttershy to have a party her birthday.
persuade; win over
Goku OBSERVED the sun setting.
watch; see
Naruto was FURIOUS when he lost his coin.
The audience cheered when Stitch DEMONSTRATED his skills with his guitar.
show; give proof
The Straw Hat Pirates went down the PASSAGE looking for a way out.
a narrow path; typically with walls
Robin was able to INFER that Luffy was hungry when she heard his stomach growl.