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Future arragements

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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You forgot your lunchbox. What .. you ... for lunch? (have)
are... having
Tomorrow we ... out because we have to practice for our PE test. (not hang)
are not (aren't) hanging
You get 15 points!
You get 10 points!
My aunt ... tomorrow so she ... me to the shopping centre. (not work/take)
isn't working ... is taking
My cousins ... to Colombia next Tuesday and I ... to the airport to farewell. (travel/go)
are travelling/ am going
What are you doing tomorrow evening? ... you ... to the concert with us? (come)
are ... coming
Sorry I can't go for a run today. I ... my family with the housework. (help)
am helping
You look so elegant! Where ... you ...?
are ... going
I can't go to the cinema tomorrow. I ... Maths. (study)
am studying
Today in the afternoon, my sister ... her last exam at University! (take)
is taking
We ... lessons today because our teacher is ill. (not/have)
are not having / aren't having
What ... you ... on Monday morning?
are doing
I ... shopping with my granny tomorrow.
am going