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Complete the sentence “The human basic needs are ___, ___, ____ and ____. The family’s basic needs determine its goals as these are necessary in everyday life”
“The human basic needs are food, clothing, shelter and education. The family’s basic needs determine its goals as these are necessary in everyday life”
Goods or Service? Tutorial
Goods or Service? Fruits and vegetables
Goods or Service? Meat from livestock form.
Goods or Service? Gifts
Goods or Service? Plumbing
It is a share from the profits received by a stockholder or by a policy holder in a mutual insurance society.
Dividends from investments
The amount that comes from the sale of a family’s capital asset like a piece of land, a building, tools and machine, etc., sold at a much higher price.
Capital grains
It is the sum of money paid regularly, usually on a monthly basis to people who are too old to work.
Enumerate the six sources of family income
Capital grains, Rental/sales, Child support, Dividends from investments, Salary, wages, Social Security- Pensions and other assistance
Give 5 examples of "Services"
Carpentry, plumbing, painting, electrical installations, Baking, cooking, catering services, tutorial
Type of income that is in the form of flow of goods and services available.
Real income
Type of income that is in the form of currency, bills, coins, and cheques
Money Income
Give 3 examples of "Goods"
Fruits and vegetables from a farm or a backyard, Eggs from raising poultry, Meat from livestock form.
Payment received by older members of the family for their labor or services they render to other people.
Salary, wages