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Is Hollywood self-destructing?
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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The awards ceremony was a night of glitz and ____, with celebrities walking the red carpet in designer gowns and tuxedos.
The art gallery featured an impressive _____of paintings, sculptures, and photographs from both established and emerging artists.
The ________film, with a cast of A-list actors, was highly anticipated and drew huge crowds to its premiere.
As the credits rolled at the ______ of the movie, the audience erupted into applause, appreciating the film's exceptional ending.
The decision to close the factory had far-reaching ______, resulting in job losses for the entire community.
The film festival featured a brilliant _____of films from around the world, showcasing a diverse range of storytelling and cinematic talent.
The financial forecast for the company was filled with doom and ____, as they anticipated a significant loss in profits.
Winning the lottery was an incredible _____of luck that changed his life overnight.
The closure of the factory had a _____ effect on the entire town's economy, leading to job losses and reduced consumer spending.
She put on her _____rags for the elegant gala, wearing a stunning evening gown and sparkling jewelry.
When I visited the farmers' market, I found no ______of fresh, organic produce to choose from
The highly _____trophy had been won by only a few exceptional athletes in the history of the competition.
Despite facing financial difficulties, the small business ____the storm and is now thriving.
The survivor's account of the accident was so _____that it brought tears to everyone's eyes
The documentary about the impact of climate change really ___ home when I saw the devastation it caused to local communities.