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Given the exchange rate between pound and Australian dollars is £ 1 = $ 1.87 £1=$1.87, convert £ 70 £70 to Australian dollars.
$130.90 in Australian dollars
What is the time difference between 8:30 AM and 3:45 PM on the same day?
5 hours and 15 minutes
Express 7:30 PM in 24-hour clock format.
Convert 480 minutes into hours and minutes.
8 hours and 0 minutes.
Find the lower and upper bounds of 12
lower bound=11.5, upper bound=12.5
George and his friend Jane buy copies of the same book on the internet. George pays $16.95 and Jane pays £11.99 on a day when the exchange rate is $1 = £0.626. Calculate, in dollars, how much more Jane pays.
Use the graph to estimate: a the speed, in km/h, of a car travelling at 65 mph b the speed, in mph, of a train travelling at 110 km/h.
a) 104 km/h b) 69 mph
If a = 3.6 (to 1dp) and b = 14 (to the nearest whole number), fi nd the upper and lower bounds for each of the following:1)ab 2)a/b
1) 47.925 <= ab < 52.925 2) 0.245 <= a/b < 0.270
Ella’s height is 175 cm, correct to the nearest 5 cm. Write down the upper bound of Ella’s height.
the upper bound of Ella's height is 180 cm.
Adam changes $700 into euros at a bank. The exchange rate is $1 = 0.904 euros. Work out the amount Adam receives.
A doctor starts work at 20 40 and finishes work at 06 10 the next day. How long is the doctor at work? Give your answer in hours and minutes
the doctor is at work for 10 hours and 30 minutes.
How much time passes from 19.35 on Monday to 03.55 on Tuesday?
8 hours and 20 min passes.
a)No b) No c) Yes
Express each quantity in the units given in brackets
c) 2750 ml, 275 cl d) 10 000 mm3 , 0.000 01 m3
A carton contains 250 ml of juice, correct to the nearest millilitre. Complete the statement about the amount of juice, j ml, in the carton. ……  j < …..
249.5 <= j < 250.5