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Church History 100-500 AD

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Which Frankish king converted to Catholicism in 496 AD?
In what year did the Western Roman Empire fall?
476 AD
Which council determined the term "hypostatic union" of Jesus as both man and God in 451 AD?
What does the Latin-English translation of Dei Genitrix?
Source of God
Which council established Mary as the Θεοτόκος (Theotokos)?
Which people sacked Rome in 410 AD?
True/False: The councils of Nicaea and Trent established which books would be included in the Bible.
The first of three St. Peter's Basilicas began construction in Rome in what year?
330 AD
True/False: Constantinople is now modern day Istanbul.
What city was the capital of the Western Roman Empire?
What city was the capital of the Eastern Roman Empire?
In which year did Constantine divide the Roman Empire into East and West?
330 AD
Which Roman emperor issued the Edict of Milan, which legalized Christianity?
From which Church council did we get the Nicene Creed?
Which Roman emperor began a persecution of Christians and destroyed churches in 303 AD?
Which church council allowed for Christians who renounced their faith during persecutions to come back to the church?
Council of Carthage
In what year did Emperor Nero begin persecuting Christians?
64 AD
In what year did Emperor Decius begin persecuting Christians?
250 AD