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Early Church 27-100 AD

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"Didache" is Greek for...
"Martyr" is Greek for...
All writings that make up the New Testament are written by the year...
99 AD
When was the Didache written?
80 AD
The compilation of the writings of the Apostles is called...
The Didache
The Romans burned down what in 70 AD?
The Temple in Jerusalem
Which Roman emperor began persecuting Christians in 64 AD?
Emperor Nero
What teaching did the Council of Jerusalem proclaim?
Gentiles could become Christians
When was the Council of Jerusalem?
49 AD
What was the first church council called?
Council of Jerusalem
Where is St. James buried?
Santiago de Compostela
When was St. James martyred?
44 AD
Who traveled to Ephesus in 42 AD?
John and the Virgin Mary
When was St. Stephen martyred?
33-42 AD
Who was the first Christian martyr?
St. Stephen
What happened in 33 AD after Jesus's death and resurrection?
What happened in 34 AD?
Conversion of St. Paul
What year did Pax Romana begin?
27 AD