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USA Trivia

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the most popular food in the USA?
What are the french fries made from?
What is the food that is made with sausages and mustard?
The pies in the USA are usually made from?
Who can you meet when you go to Disneyland?
Mickey Mouse, Miney, The princesses
How many times you can go around the world using the cables of the Golden Gate bridge?
3 times
You can climb up to what part of Lady Liberty?
Her crown
What is the name of the famous street in the USA?
Times Square
What is the name of the famous park in the USA?
What is the name of the famous bridge in the USA?
Golden Gate
What is the name of the famous statue of the USA?
Lady Liberty
Times Square is so bright that you can see it from where?
From the space 
Name 3 typical food in the USA
Cookies, Hamburger, Hotdog, Apple pie, French Fries
What are the 3 colors in the USA flag?
Blue, Red and White