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Name Three Things

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 3 towns
Name 3 sports
Name 3 days of the week
Name 3 friends
Name 3 summer months
Name 3 winter months
Name 3 classroom objects
Name 3 red fruits
Name 3 body parts
Name 3 face parts
Name 3 vegetables
Name 3 cartoons
Name 3 insects
Name 3 animals without legs
Name 3 animals that can swim
Name 3 animals that can fly
Name 3 objects in the bedroom
Name 3 toys
Name 3 family members
Name 3 verbs (action words)
Name 3 drinks
Name 3 wild animals
Name 3 pets
Name 3 farm animals
Name 3 things in the nature
Name 3 favorite foods
Name 3 things you do at school
Name 3 things we eat for breakfast
Name 3 examples of fast food
Name 3 things you do in the morning
Name 3 objects in the kitchen
Name 3 objects in the bathroom
Name 3 words beginning with letter "s"
Name 3 words beginning with letter "t"
Name 3 words beginning with letter "p"
Name 3 words beginning with letter "l"
Name 3 words beginning with letter "m"
Name 3 words beginning with letter "b"
Name 3 words beginning with letter "r"
Name 3 school subjects
Name 3 winter pieces of clothing
Name 3 pieces of clothing
Name 3 words beginning with letter "a"
Name 3 words beginning with letter "h"
Name 3 words beginning with letter "f"
Name 3 words beginning with letter "c"
Name 3 words beginning with letter "d"
Name 3 things you do with a potato
Name 3 things that can fly
Name 3 orange things
Name 3 black things
Name 3 white things
Name 3 things made of metal
Name 3 things made of plastic