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Class 24

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Oleg, do you hear it? Your line is ringing.
Oleg, do you hear it? Your phone is ringing.
What should I don't If I don't know the where is 1,2,3 and I need to pick the number?
What should I don't If I don't know the where is 1,2,3 and I need to dial the number?
Where are we, there's no network line?
Where are we, there's no network signal?
I'm nervous, it's late and Jack's line is right.
I'm nervous, it's late and Jack's line is busy.
OMG, my boyfriend will kill me. I need to call him but my phone is dial.
OMG, my boyfriend will kill me. I need to call him but my phone is dead.
Can you call my mom, my connection is low?
Can you call my mom, my connection is bad?
I'm sorry, sir, can you check it? There is a phrase "right number".
I'm sorry, sir, can you check it? There is a phrase "wrong number".
I have broken my phone, I can't pick down the phone!
I have broken my phone, I can't pick up the phone!
Can you give me your phone, my battery is bad?
Can you give me your phone, my battery is low?