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Spanish Review

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How do you ask someone what's wrong?
Que te pasa?
How do you tell someone they are fun?
Eres divertido.
How do you tell someone that your favorite food is paella?
Mi comida favorita es la paella.
How do you ask someone what their favorite sport is?
Cual es tu deporte favorito?
Translate: De que color es el gato?
What color is the cat?
How do you ask someone if they want to eat?
Quieres comer?
How do you say dance in Spanish?
Se dice bailar.
Translate the following sentence: El borrador es verde.
The eraser is green.
How do you say backpack in Spanish?
Se dice mochila.
De que color es la carpeta?
Es amarilla. / La carpeta es amarilla.
Quien es ella?
Es la profesora.
Que es esto?
Es un libro.
When is your birthday means...
Cuando es tu cumpleaños?
How do you ask someone what is there phone number?
Cual es tu numero de teléfono?
How do you say I am 13 years old?
Tengo trece años.
When is Christmas?
How do you ask someone about what they do?
Que haces?
How does Erick ask Cassie about where she lives?
Donde vives?
How do you ask a friend about their age?
Cuantos años tienes?
Translate Where are you from?
De donde eres?
How do you ask someone their name?
Como te llamas?