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Electricity (5th of primary)

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What type of electricity is this? (Static electricity or electrical current?)
Electrical current
Why are electrical wires made of copper covered in plastic? (Use the words electrical conductor /insulator)
The wire conducts electricity because copper is a conductor but the plastic on the outside of the wire protects us because it's an insulator.
What do we call materials that do not allow electrons of move easily?
Electrical insulators
What do we call materials that allow electrons to flow without resistance?
Electrical conductors
What do we call it when there is an exchange of electrons between many different atoms? (a flow of electrons)
Electrical current
What type of electricity is this? (Static electricity or electrical current?)
Static electricity
What do we call electricity that does not flow?
Static electricity
What are the three particles in the atom? (AKA: subatomic particles)
Protons, neutrons, and electrons
Which particle of the atom is neutral / hasn't got a charge?
The neutrons
Which particle of the atom has a negative charge?
The electrons
Which particle of the atom has a positive charge?
The protons
What unit is all matter made up of?
TRUE OR FALSE: Silver is an electrical conductor.
TRUE: Pure silver is the best electrical conductor.
TRUE OR FALSE: Porcelain is an electrical conductor.
FALSE: Porcelain is an electrical insulator.