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Unit2 Review Science P6
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The colour of your eyes, hair and skin are examples of inherited traits. true or False
Liking a particular type of food and knowing how to play a musical instrument are examples of inherited traits. True or False
We are a product of both nature and nurture as we are born with some traits and these traits are further developed through the environment. True or False?
What do you call the reproduction in humans which requires a male to mate with a female?
sexual reproduction
Which parts are collectively known as the stamen of a flowering plant?
anther and filament
Which statement is not true about the human egg cell? a) The egg cells are located in the ovaries. b) The egg is the largest cell in the human body; c)Fertilisation of the egg takes place in male’s body.
Fertilisation of the egg takes place in male’s body.
Females produce egg cells, as Males produce ___________.
sperm cells
How do parents pass their characteristics to their offspring?
Heredity, The parents’ reproductive cells contain hereditary information that codes for the characteristics of the child.
What characteristics do parents pass on to their young?
blood type; earlobe shape; colour of hair, eyes, skin
What do you call the Science that deals with the study of genes and heredity?