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CAE 1 - Units 1 and 2

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The reduction in the number of students in the campus can be ___________ by the growth in the online campus. ( due to / accounted for / the result )
can be ACCOUNTED FOR the growth...
It's hard to ______ a brave face _____ things, when all you do inside is to fall apart. (put+on / give+to / make+for )
put a brave face on....
They form a community. They _______ with each other. (react / argue / bond)
BOND with each other
The abusive conditions _______ multiple protests. ( led to / resulted / culminated)
LED TO multiple protests (obs: resulted in / culminated in)
The strike didn't ______ any harm to the local businesses. ( make / do / get )
DO any harm
I _______ be mad every time my sister took my clothes from my wardrobe. (used to / would / both are possible)
used to be
The children hate walking because they are _______ everywhere by car. (used to go / used to going)
I never expected to see you at the concert because the last time we met, you _____ me the impression you didn't like classical music. (made / gave / got)
GAVE me the impression that...
Fergus _______ a pretty bad impression in Saturday's match. I think he'll be dropped from the team. (made / gave / got)
he MADE a pretty bad impression
Carrie sat through the entire meeting without _______ a single suggestion to solve the problem. (giving / making / getting)
MAKING a single suggestion
The minister ______ a rousing speech at the end of the conference. (gave / did / said)
GAVE (or made) a rousing speech