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Introduction into history

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Was T-Rex a herbivore or a carnivore?
What was probably the cause of the dinosaurs' extinction?
a set of the natural disasters (asteroid impact, volcanic eruptions)
What does a herbivore mean?
an animal eating plants only (no meat)
What is evolution?
development of living organisms when each new generation gets new qualities to be able to adapt to the environment
What is Darwin's most famous work (the book)?
The Origin of Species
Who is the author of the theory of evolution?
Charles Darwin
When the Earth was created, was it hot or cold?
How old is the Universe according to the Big Bang theory?
about 14 billion years
Who is the author of the Big Bang theory?
Stephen Hawking
In what institution could you find physical historical sources?
What are primary historical sources?
objects that were created at the time under study
What types of historical sources do you know?
written, image/audio, physical, oral
By what events did Prehistory start and end?
appearance of the first hominids - invention of writing
What does BC mean?
before Christ = before year 0
What are 5 main historical periods?
Prehistory, Ancient history, Middle Ages, Modern Age, Contemporary history