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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"The main takeaways from this presentation are." is a signpost used to give an example or explanation, summarize or conclude a presentation, or move from one part to another part in a presentation
Summarize or conclude a presentation
"To sum up, …" . is a signpost used to give an example or explanation, summarize or conclude a presentation, or move from one part to another part in a presentation
Summarize or conclude a presentation
"In conclusion, …." is a signpost used to give an example or explanation, summarize or conclude a presentation, or move from one part to another part in a presentation
Summarize or conclude a presentation
"This means that ….." is a signpost used to give an example or explanation, outline the structure of a presentation or move from one part to another part in a presentation
Give an example or explanation
"To illustrate this point, ….." is a signpost used to give an example or explanation, outline the structure of a presentation or move from one part to another part in a presentation
Give an example or explanation
"For example, … ..." is a signpost used to give an example or explanation, outline the structure of a presentation or move from one part to another part in a presentation
Give an example or explanation
"Now that we have seen …, let’s look at ..." is a signpost used to give an example or explanation, outline the structure of a presentation or move from one part to another part in a presentation
Move from one part to another part
"Let’s turn to ..." is a signpost used to give an example or explanation, outline the structure of a presentation or move from one part to another part in a presentation
Move from one part to another part
"Moving on to the next point..." is a signpost used to give an example or explanation, outline the structure of a presentation or move from one point to another point in a presentation
Move from one point to another point
"First, I will …, second, I will …, and finally, I will ……" is a signpost used to introduce a topic, outline the structure of a presentation or move from one point to another point in a presentation
Outline the structure of a presentation
"This presentation is divided into four parts..." is a signpost used to give an example or explanation, outline the structure of a presentation or move from one point to another point in a presentation
Outline the structure of a presentation
"There are three main points I want to cover in this presentation..." is a signpost used to give an example or explanation, outline the structure of a presentation or move from one point to another point in a presentation
Outline the structure of a presentation
"The purpose of this presentation is to... " is a signpost used to introduce a topic, outline the structure of a presentation or move from one point to another point in a presentation
Introduce a topic
"The main focus of this presentation is..." is a signpost used to introduce a topic, outline the structure of a presentation or move from one point to another point in a presentation
Introduce a topic
"Today, I’m going to talk about …" is a signpost used to introduce a topic, outline the structure of a presentation or move from one point to another point in a presentation
Introduce a topic