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Social Studies Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do we learn about Hispanic Heritage month?
to learn about Hispanic Americans who made a difference
Why do people form communities?
they want a safe place to live work and play
The Lincoln Memorial is in which grid square ..
In what grid square is the White House?
Between Clayton and New Falls there are about ----- miles?
From Twin Lakes to October Mountain, it is about _________.
20 miles
Which direction would you have to travel to get from the swimming pool to the picnic area?
Which direction would you have to travel to get from the picnic area to the ice cream stand??
north east
True or False - The United States Constitution explains how our government works.
True or False Voting helps citizens in the United States have a say in laws.
This is a map of Galveston - how do people get to Galveston island since it is surrounded by water?
build a bridge, travel by boat
True or False? Gemstone are produced everywhere in Africa.
In what two areas do they produce precious metals?
South and west
In what Area of Africa do they produce fuel? North, east, south, or west
What landforms do you see on this map?
mountains, ocean, rivers, plains, hills
Give an example of someone NOT being a good citizen
Lying, stealing
What does it mean to be a good citizen?
Doing something to help your community