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Boy Overboard Chp. 1-8

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What is Jamal's plan?
To become a soccer star for Afghanistan.
To become a politician.
To become a doctor.
To become a journalist.
What is Jamal's goal in playing soccer?
To win the World Cup.
To help his family.
To keep fit.
To become famous.
Why are Jamal's parents in trouble with the government?
They ran an illegal school.
They started a national soccer team.
They inspired the government.
They played soccer well.
What does Jamal suggest he needs to do to help his parents?
Start a national soccer team.
Inspire the government.
Run an illegal school.
Play soccer well.
What does the word "overboard" mean in English?
To do something daring.
To dazzle.
To be too enthusiastic.
To be lost at sea.
What is the problem with watching soccer on Yusuf's grandfather's TV?
TV is illegal.
The commentators speak a different language.
The TV is broken.
The picture quality is poor.
What does yellow skin mean in Afghanistan?
The person is probably going to die.
The person is healthy.
The person is happy.
The person is sick.
Why does the author wish Yusuf's grandfather would laugh more quietly?
Bibi is asleep and could get panicked.
The Liverpool player was unfairly sent off.
The cellar is a scary place for a little kid.
The Chelsea goalkeeper got hurt.
What is Jamal thinking about while watching the match with Yusuf and his grandfather?
A plan to avoid leaving their home.
The Liverpool striker's scissor kick.
The souvenir Simpsons tea towels.
Yusuf's grandfather's cellar.
What is happening on the TV screen?
A Liverpool player is being sent off.
A Liverpool player is scoring a goal.
A Chelsea player is being sent off.
A Chelsea player is scoring a goal.
Why are the school materials being buried?
To get rid of them.
To hide them from someone.
To protect them from damage.
To use them later.
What is being buried in the hole?
School materials
Who is digging a hole in the cellar?
What does dad love about his oven?
Its history
Its price
Its color
Its size
Why does dad bake bread early in the morning?
To sell it in the taxi.
To eat it.
To give it away for free.
To donate it to charity.
Does dad have a bakery?
No, he doesn't have one.
Yes, he has one.
He used to have one.
He is planning to open one.
Whose oven is dad using to bake bread?
His grandfather's
His neighbor's
His friend's
His own
Why does Mum think they will be safe as long as they have the candlestick?
It is a symbol of their family's strength.
It will protect them from danger.
It is a good luck charm.
It has magical powers.
What did Mum's ancestors use the candlestick for?
To burn a candle before going into battle.
To light their way at night.
To decorate their home.
To hold flowers.
What is the history of the candlestick?
It has been in Mum's family for hundreds of years.
It was used in a religious ceremony.
It was found in an antique shop.
It was bought at a store.
What does Jamal's mother do secretly?
Run a home school for girls.
Run a home gym for girls.
Run a dance club for girls.
Run a music club for girls.
How does Jamal feel about the situation?
What is Jamal's reaction to the news?
He feels like his head exploded.
He starts crying.
He doesn't react at all.
He starts laughing.
When does the father want to leave the house?
Tomorrow morning
In a few days
He doesn't say.
What does Jamal's mother do?
She is a teacher.
She is a doctor.
She is a nurse.
She is a dancer.
Whose window did the ball break?
Mr. Nasser's downstairs window.
Mr. Nasser's upstairs window.
Jamal's upstairs window.
Dad's downstairs window.
Children are scared of Mr. Nasser.
Mr. Nasser is a friendly neighbor.
How does Jamal know when his dad isn't really angry?
His dad gives him a wink.
His dad gives him a hug.
His dad says he's not angry.
His dad starts laughing.
Who is Mr. Nasser?
The narrator's neighbor.
The narrator's father's friend.
The narrator's teacher.
The narrator's cousin.
What does Jamal's father do?
He is a taxi driver.
He is a doctor.
He is a teacher.
He is a journalist.
How does Bibi escape from stepping on the land mine?
Jamal steps on it for her.
She steps off because it's a dud.
Yusuf gets his grandfather to help.
She doesn't - she is blown up.
When standing on the land mine, who does Jamal pray to?
His father's baker and his mother's warrior ancestors.
His grandfather.
His grandmother.
His friends.
Why are the children so afraid of land mines?
The children are afraid because it may explode.
The rat traps are able to catch children as well.
They may collapse inside one if they step on it.
The bombs are very destructive.
Yusuf has one leg.
What were Jamal's mother's ancestors known as?
Desert Warriors
Jungle Warriors
Sea Warriors
Land Warriors
What did Jamal's father's ancestors do for work?
Candle Makers
Desert Warriors
Sea Voyagers
Why do you think Bibi 'hates' Afghanistan?
Because she is restricted as a female.
Because she can't play on a grass soccer pitch.
Because she has to wear boys clothes.
Because she doesn't like the people.
Bibi throws _____ at trucks.
Why are the boys worried about Bibi playing soccer with them?
She is a girl and girls aren't allowed to play soccer.
She might step on a land mine.
She might make them feel bad because she's a good player.
Their teachers will punish them for letting her play
What is the name of the character with one leg?