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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The tooth fairy gave me 10 dollars
The girl cut her hair with scissors
The girl rabbit wears ribbons
The astronaut waved the flag.
The egg is twirling around.
The rug is purple
The monsters like to hug
The dog can dig.
The slug is slow
The forest has fog
The pig is relaxing
Will you carry my bag?
The dog has spots
The bug is a caterpillar
Pull the red wagon
The seagull is crazy
He can juggle three oranges.
The cat is doing yoga
Scoop the sugar
They are scared of the fog
The eagle is soaring through the sky
The dragons name is....
The tiger is cuddling.
Take the luggage to the airport
Remy the rat is eating grapes.
The glue is sticky.
Snoopy is playing the guitar.
The gum is stuck on his hair.
They are playing a game.
The gorilla is mad at the other animals
Put gas in the car before it gets to empty.
The girl says "whatever"
The gecko has big eyes.
What is the goose doing
The dog is wearing a wig
She broke her leg
Pour the coffee in the mug