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Individuals Involved in Unification

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What is Mrs. Pacheco's room number?
What is Mr. Stange's room number?
What is Mr. Luke's room number?
What is Mr. kato's room number?
What is Mr. kaku's room number?
What is Mr. Mitchell's room number?
Where was the battle of Nuuanu?
What year was the battle of Nuuanu?
What year did Kahekili die?
Kahekili controlled what islands?
Maui, Moloka’i, Lana’i, and O’ahu
What was the name of the ship Davis and Young was on?
The Fair American
Who is Kalaniopu`u’s youngest son.
Who is Kalaniopu`u’s oldest son.
What did Kalani`ōpu`u do after he died?
Named his oldest son (Kiwala`o) to be successor and Kamehameha to be the caretaker of the family war god Ku
What is Kalanikūpule title?
Last Enemy of Kamehameha
What is Keawema`uhili title?
The Last Challenger of Hawai’i (Big Island)
What is Kahekili title?
The High Chief of Maui
What is Davis & Young title?
The Foreign Advisors
What is Keōua title?
The Lesser Cousin
What is Kīwala`ō title?
The Rival Cousin
What is Kalani`ōpu`u title?
The Father Figure
What is Kekūhaupi`o title?
The Teacher
Which 3 lands did Keawema`uhili control?
Hilo, Puna, Hamakua
Davis and Young were valuable to Kamehameha because they provided him with these 2 major categories: Modern _________ and Battle _________
Modern Weapons and Battle Strategies
Which person was arguing with his uncle about lands after his dad died while Kamehameha was planning an attack?
The battle for control of O`ahu happened at which location?
Who controlled Kaua`i and Ni`ihau?
Who possibly may have been Kamehameha's father?
What describes the result of Kamehameha and Keoua's many battles against each other?
Never a clear winner each time
Who did Kamehameha defeat at the Battle of Moku`ohai?
Who was Kalani`opu`u's brother?
Who was Kamehameha's uncle who raised him?
Who was the successor of Kalani`ōpu`u?
Which of the following areas did Kekuhaupi`o train Kamehameha in?
Military Science, Genealogy Religious ceremonies, Farming and Fishing, and Skills to be successful as a warrior and chief
When did Kekuhaupi`o realize that Kamehameha had now surpassed him?
When Kamehameha saved his teacher in battle