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FUTURE (will/be going to/Present Continuous)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I think I _________ this job. (get)
will get
Dora _________ home tomorrow. Tom wants to meet her at the airport. (come)
is coming
I suppose you _________ all your exams this time. (pass)
will pass
We have enough money so we _________ a car. (buy)
are going to buy
I _________a mistake this time, I promise. (not / make)
will not make
“I am hungry.” “Wait a minute. I _________ you a sandwich. (make)”
will make
I _________ my friends tonight. (see)
am seeing
Take an umbrella. It _________ soon. (rain)
is going to rain
I am in a hurry. I _________ my brother at the railway station. (meet)
am meeting
Amily and David have already set the date. They _________ on the first of July. (get married)
are getting married
I promise I _________ you with these heavy boxes. (help)
will help
- When _________ you _________ for Paris? - On Monday. (leave)
are you leaving
_________ you _________ with us till Monday? (stay)
Will you stay
I _________ chess with my friend this evening. (play)
am playing
Look! The baby _________ this toy. (break)
is going to break
We_________ a week in Spain but we haven’t booked a hotel yet. (spend)
are going to spend
Lilly _________ the dentist tomorrow. (see)
is seeing
I don’t think it _________. (snow)
will snow
Do you think your brother _________you? (help)
will help
We _________ to London tonight. (fly)
are flying
We _________ a dinner party. Everything is ready. (have)
are going to have/are having
I _________ my uncle at the airport. (meet)
am meeting
Rachel thinks you _________ what she means soon. (understand)
will understand
I hope you _________ after the party. (stay)
will stay
Look at those clouds! It _________ soon. (rain)
is going to rain
Mark’s mother believes that he _________ famous. (be)
will be
We _________ to Madrid on Monday. (go)
are going