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How Do I Act In This Place?

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If you don't know what to do in a new place, how can you find out?
find out the event, look at what people are doing, saying, or feeling, ask someone
How do you act at a restaurant?
be respectful to the waiter/waitress, look at the menu, chew with your mouth closed, stay seated at your table, etc.
How do you act at a wedding?
dance, eat during the reception, say positive or neutral comments, have moderate to high energy, etc.
How do you act in a museum?
don't touch anything, use a low to moderate voice, stay with your group or family, etc.
During social group, you see other kids talking to each other during the break. What should you do?
try to talk to peers
How do you act at a funeral?
somber, say nice things about the deceased, no joking, listen quietly during the service, etc.
You are at a carnival. What would you expect to see?
games, rides, candy, snacks, people laughing, music, etc.
If you are at a basketball game, what is the appropriate level of energy
moderate to high
You are at a party. Ideally, what should your energy level be?
moderate to high
If the classroom is quiet and people are busy working, you should probably say a joke to cheer people up.
While in a public bathroom, it is best to not stare at others.
What are some hidden rules about going to the bathroom?
don't stare or watch others, minimal to no talking, pick a stall or urinal that is not next to an occupied urinal/stall, wash hands, etc.
How do you act in the library?
quiet voice or no talking, checking out books, reading, etc.
How can you act during a sporting event?
shouting, cheering, wearing costumes or jerseys, etc.
What kinds of comments can you say in social group?
positive comments, neutral comments, on-topic comments
What can you talk about with your therapist that you don't talk about in a group?
negative thoughts, problems at home or at school, secrets, etc.
What is 1 social norm for social group?
take turns, keep hands to yourself, raise your hand, say positive or neutral comments, stay on topic, etc.
What is 1 social norm for social group?
take turns, keep hands to yourself, raise your hand, say positive or neutral comments, stay on topic, etc.