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Film Genres 1

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Films with invented stories, not reals.
These movies are made to scare people. They include themes like ghosts, vampires and zombies.
They're usually simple stories set in the American west in the past. The stories include shootings. horses, Indians and cowboys.
There are a lot of stunts and special effect in these films.
Action films
These are usually fantastic stories about other planets and aliens.
Science Fiction
These movies are designed to make you laugh.
They are about criminals and their actions. The main characters steal or kill. They usually die or get caught in the end.
Crime films
These films tell a story about real or invented historical events.
Historical films
These movies are usually centred around two people in love who face difficulties.
Romantic films
They often show real or invented events which are exciting. They have clear heroes and villains in them. Danger of nature often play an important role.
These movies show real or realistic stories about difficult situation in life.
These are movies where songs and dane play an important part.
Dance and music films
They show real or fictional wars.
War films