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Places Around Town

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is this place called?
Where can you see exotic animals?
At the zoo
Where can you swim?
At the swimming pool
Where can you buy hamsters?
At the pet shop
Where can you buy meat?
At the butcher's
Where can you buy fresh fruit and vegetables?
At the greengrocer's
Where can you buy high heels?
At the shoe shop
Where can you climb on walls?
At the climbing centre
Where can you drink a cup of coffee?
At a café
Where can you send letters from?
The post office
Where can you get money from? Don't rob it.
The bank
There are many different shops at the...
Shopping Centre
You can do exercise and lift weights here.
You can buy a cactus here.
You can buy all kinds of food here. You usually push a trolley.
You can get better here when you are ill.
People watch films here.
You can eat food here.
You can learn new things here.
You can buy jumpers and T-shirts in a...
Clothes shop
You can see paintings, statues and many interesting things in a ...
You can take your dog for a walk and sit on a bench in a...
You can find police officers in a ...
Police Station
You can buy bread and buns at the...
What is this place called?
Where can you buy something to read?