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How Leopard got his Spots

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What does splash mean?
Splash means for water (liquid) to hit or fall on something.
What does never mean?
Never means not ever or not one time.
What does glad mean?
Glad means to be happy about something.
What does Fred paint on Hal Hyena?
He splashes him with brown paint.
Does Len Leopard like spots or stripes?
He likes spots.
What does Fred paint on Jill Giraffe?
He paints big brown spots.
What does he paint on Zel Zebra?
He paints black stripes.
What does Fred do when he is glad?
He paints when he is glad.
What did Fred and Len do in the sun?
They danced in the sun?
Who helped Fred get unstuck?
Len Leopard helps Fred.
What did Fred get stuck in?
Fred got stuck in the plants.
Who tricked Fred?
Hal Hyena tricked Fred.