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Virginia Facts

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The Blue Ridge Mountains produce what product?
Only a small part of the plateau is located in Virginia
Appalachian Plateau Region
Includes the Great Valley of Virginia and other valleys separated by ridges
Valley & Ridge Region
Part of Appalachian mountain system
Blue Ridge Mountain Region
West of the Fall Line
Piedmont Region
Also known as the Coastal Plain
Tidewater Region
Flows into the Chesapeake Bay • Yorktown located along this
York River
Flows into the Chesapeake Bay • Fredericksburg is located here
Rappahannock River
What is Roanoke famous for?
The Star
• Located in the Coastal Plain (Tidewater) region • Variety of wildlife • George Washington explored and surveyed here.
Dismal Swamp
Located in the Coastal Plain (Tidewater) region • Shallow natural lake surrounded by the Dismal Swamp
Lake Drummond
Flows into the Chesapeake Bay • Alexandria located along this
Potomac River
Provides a safe harbor, Was a source of food and transportation, and also separates the Eastern Shore from the mainland of Virginia.
Chesapeake Bay
What water feature borders VA on the East?
Atlantic Ocean