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adventure camping

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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where did you go on the weekend? (picture)
I went paragliding
they jump/jumped into the river
north, south, east, west
you can see where places are on me
a map
we (go) camping last weekend
a type of climbing
mountain climbing
can see in the dark
a torch
helps you float and survive
life jacket
walking in the forrest
on a bicycle but offroad
mountain biking
in a raft, in the river
whitewater rafting
you set me up and sleep in me
a tent
a book full of animals
wildlife guidebooks
you can make pancakes or cook eggs in me
you'll need these for hiking
walking boots
save us from the insects
insect repellant
always trying to bite me, so itchy
its bed time get in your
sleeping bag
you'll need me to cook dinner
camp stove
protects you from the sun
sun cream
this can help you when rock climbing
you can use these to see far away
you use this to start a fire