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Pluras for Language academy teens

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the plural of woman? How old are you? Whats your name?
women/ I am ____ years old/ My name is _____.
What is the plural o man? How do you say pizarrón in English? Is it correct to say a apples?
men/board/Nope! an apple
What's the plural of lunch? What is the plural of dress? How do you say salón de clases in English?
lunches/ dresses/ classroom
What is the plural of bench? How do you say dedos in English? how do you say piernas in English?
benches/ fingers/ legs
What is the plural of person? Is it correct to say four mouses? Present yourself
people/ no, four mice./ ...
What is the plural of mouse? How do you ser oreja in English? Orejas?
mice, ear, ears
What is the plural of beach? How do you say tijeras in English?
beaches/ scissors
What is the plural of fox? How do you say hombros in English? How do you pronounce double LL?
foxes/shoulders/only one L.
What is the plural of fish? How do you say libro? Is it correct to say a books?
FISH!!!/ BOOK!!!/ NO!! books.
What is the plural of brush? Is it correct to say a apple? Is it correct to say a apples?
brushES / no! an apple!!! / NOOO!! apples.
What is the plural of bus? What is the plural of child? How do you say regla?
buses/ children/ruler
What is the plural of glass? How do you say rodilla en English? and rodillas?
glassES knee knees
What is the plural of box? Present yourself.
Boxes. My name is ______, I am ______ years old, I am from _________.
What is the plural of dish? What is the plural of pencil?