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Living Things

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do plants and animals need to live?
Living things need food to eat.
What do plants and animals need to live?
Living things need water to live.
What do plants and animals need to live?
Living things need sunlight to grow.
What do plants and animals need to live?
They need air to respire
What can living things do?
obtain and use energy
What can living things do?
respond to the environment
What can living things do?
What can living things do?
What can living things do?
What can living things do?
What can living things do?
What are living things made of?
Does a butterfly need energy?
Yes, it does
Tell me 5 living things, starting with the letters N - Z
Did you do it?
Tell me 5 living things, starting with the letters G - M
Did you do it?
Tell me 5 living things, starting with the letters A - F
Did you do it?
Does a flower die?
Yes, it does
Does an umbrella reproduce?
No, it doesn't
A cup of tea ________ (move)
A cup of tea doesn't move
A window ______ (die)
A window doesn't die
A bird ______ (move)
A bird moves
A baby _____ (need) energy
A baby needs energy.
A phone _____ (adapt) to the environment
A phone doesn't adapt to the environment
A whiteboard _________ (reproduce)
A whiteboard doesn't reproduce
A cat ________ (grow)
A cat grows