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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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An important ___ in developing this technology began with the American mathematician and AI pioneer Woodrow Wilson “Woody” Bledsoe.
These words represent nothing; they describe nothing; but a gesture makes them ____..
The artist's goal was to ___ the beauty of nature through her paintings.
make manifest
Many people turn to ___ as a way to explore the deeper meaning and purpose of life.
From the religious (‘The Holly and the Ivy’) to the ___ (‘The Chipmunk Song’), my top 20.
For them the old ____ jealousy, vanity, truculency, and ambition are the strongest elements in patriotism.
There is not a patent medicine on the market for which any more _____, extravagant and ridiculous claims are made.
The ____ issues are numerous but at least we know what they are.
It would be tempting, at this point, to say that the Internet will corrode religious authority and ____ the Great Secular Age.
usher in
The coach's ____ attitude toward his players caused many of them to lose respect for him and his leadership.
It remains to be seen how the negotiations will ____ between the two sides, but both seem committed to finding a resolution.
play out
Ultimate causes, of course, will be overlooked; only ___ causes will be noticed.
Even though mathematicians have spent over 2,000 years ___ the structure of the five Platonic solids — the tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, icosahedron and dodecahedron — there’s still a lot we don’t know about them.
Since then, Jay has continued to methodically ___ his technique and mentor a handful of candidates.
So mathematicians hoped that Bateman and Katz’s breakthrough might offer an ___ into proving the Erdős conjecture, especially when combined with other recent advances.
The spelling mistake in the email is ____ than the fact that we addressed the issue promptly.
of less consequence
The company's slogan "We cater to your every knead" was a playful ___ words that effectively communicated their bakery services.
play on
His ___, kindness, and friendship continue to guide and inform my approach to life.